Saturday, 16 October 2010

Colonic Cleansing

Not the nicest of topics but an important one when fasting

Ok I admit; not the most savory of topics, but one you will do well to bear in mind when partaking in a juice fast lasting more than a couple of days.

The fact of the matter is ...

The plain fact is, that one of your bodies largest and most obvious elimination systems, is the colon. Now when your body - as it does during fasting - gets the chance to clean up the system, and it begins to release these toxins into the blood stream to be removed, the first place your body dumps (excuse the pun) this waste in is in the colon.

The need for colonics during a fast

Now the action of 'passing ones food' is triggered by a full stomach. The weight on the muscles below, trigger the body to constrict said muscles, resulting the waste being eliminated. During a fast, due to a lack of food, the necessary weight is never exerted, so one must use other methods to ensure one cleans the colon.


There are three main methods for colon cleansing which will facilitate a successful fast.

1. colonics

2. colon cleansing tablets

3. home - enemas

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